Spencer Everett
How Many? All There Are - The Creative Writing Department
Six poems - Black Sun, Vestiges_06: Aporia
3 poems - Blazing Stadium Issue 20
from Thick Photography - Nomaterialism Vol. III
“The New Goldfish” - The Brooklyn Rail
from Fugitives - Fence (Winter/Spring 2018)
The Red Hand -- Radical Documents
Art Writing - Interviews - Other
Eli Bornoswky: 3.3671984954 x 106391 - Brooklyn Rail
Jeff Grunthaner by Spencer Everett - BOMB Magazine
Keegan Monaghan, Indicator - Press Release, James Fuentes Gallery
“Possessed by Method: The Split-Screen Farces of Aki Sasamoto” - Whitehot Magazine
“Unofficial Channels: Jeremy Cooper Interviewed“ - BOMB Magazine
“The Masters of Goodbye” - Avidly - The Los Angeles Review of Books
“An Atlas of Pulp: Simon Evanstm at James Cohan” - Whitehot Magazine
“New Latitudes: Colin Snapp Interviewed”
“‘There is a Syllableless Sea:’ Notes on Silence” - Dial 2
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